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Postpartum is dead: 4 ways fish oil can benefit breastfeeding moms | Fish Oil Blog

Postpartum is dead: 4 ways fish oil can benefit breastfeeding moms

Postpartum is a quivering word for every mother who has passed through it. Postpartum depression is a period of blues for mothers after childbirth. The period can be very strenuous and depressing so much so that mothers are not able to breastfeed their babies. Postpartum is normally treated clinically with therapies, medications and counseling. Many doctors prescribe antidepressants and natural supplements to treat moms during this period. But recent studies reveal that fish oil supplements can help with postpartum depression in nursing moms. More on this is in the below article.

Postpartum depression: Postpartum or postnatal depression is a form of clinical depression suffered by many women after childbirth. Symptoms of the depression include sadness, fatigue, sleeping disorders, low libido energy, anxiety, irritability and crying episodes. Caused due to hormonal changes, postnatal depression can transform a woman’s life in a big way. It is very difficult to come out of this state and many moms fail to even nurse their babies during this time. Fish oil is said to enhance the breastfeeding ability of nursing mothers.

Fish oil and breastfeeding: One of the most important tips for breastfeeding mothers is to maintain an adequate supply of DHA and EPA in their body.  This helps not just the mother but also the breastfeeding baby. The child gets to receive omega-3 fatty acids which is essential for its brain development. Since omega-3 acids are crucial for the welfare of both the babies and the mothers, it is good for breastfeeding moms to include fish oil in their diet. Apart from the omega-3 content, fish oil can also benefit in a number of ways. Below are some of them:

1. Improves infant’s vision: Fish oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that are very crucial in development of your baby’s eyes. However, we should be careful in choosing fish oil supplements as they may contain heavy metals such as mercury and other toxins, which could be harmful to the infant otherwise. These toxins are based on fish and its origin place.  Therefore, if you plan to breastfeed, use only high quality, well-manufactured fish oil.

2. Better nerve development for infants: Babies who receive more fish oil through breast milk have higher IQs and less learning difficulties as fish oil strengthens their nerve system.  Research reports show that premature babies whose mothers take fish oil supplements on a regular basis are much less likely to develop mental retardation or cognitive delays. So several nutrition experts suggest that omega-3s are the main source for breastfeeding mothers and the acids can make a remarkable difference in human intelligence.

3. Brain development for infant: Fish oil supplements play a vital role in the health of brain.  Omega-3 fats EPA can be found in fish oil which is required for motherhood and postpartum depression.  By consuming fish oil supplements, a woman can not just come out of her postpartum depression, but also improve her child’s brain development with these omega 3 fatty acids.

4. Reduces SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome):
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a threatening issue with many mothers. SID means sudden death of an infant younger than 1 year of age.  No reason will be known of the death of the infant and in the end, the mother maybe left perplexed as to what was wrong with her infant.  Intake of fish oil and breastfeeding can really save your child from sudden infant death syndrome.

Nursing mothers are not advised to eat too much fish because of pollution in the sea water. However the best way to get an adequate intake of DHA is through fish oil supplements of high quality. Fish oil supplements should be free from  any contaminants and should be included in their daily diet. Taking daily supplements of fish oil help  nursing mothers to receive  adequate levels of DHA in milk. There are several products that are sold in market which is especially for pregnant and lactating women. However make sure to check with your doctor before taking these products.

Posted in For Stress, For Women, Uses of Fish Oil on Apr 9th, 2024, 6:22 pm by Jessica   

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