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How to pick the best: 4 things to check before buying fish oil | Fish Oil Blog

How to pick the best: 4 things to check before buying fish oil

The market is cluttered with fish oil products of diverse kinds. Some manufacturers lure you stating the uniqueness of their products, while some attract you with their refined labels and contents. Don’t fall for tall tales or false promises. Fish oil cannot cure anything. It can only alleviate disorders and treat symptoms. Also, understand that not all manufacturers/labels contain the same fish oil. The ingredients used and manufacturing processes followed differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, depending on the fish used, ratio of contaminants and their demand in the market. Fish liver oil is not fish oil in actual terms. If you need to know how to pick the right fish oil supplements for yourself, continue reading the article.

How to pick your fish oil? Any fish oil brand does not offer you the best and purest fish oil. Many fish oil manufacturers include additions to the original oil. Most of the time, these additions are mercury, or contaminants like vitamins A and E. Since these contaminants can be hazardous to health, avoid buying oils which have them mentioned in their labels. Check the below things to ensure you buy the best fish oil:

1. Know the source of your fish oil: Only certain types of fish contain fish oil with omega-3 content. If you are buying fish oil to enjoy the benefits of omega-3 fats, you should check the source of your oil, that is the fish used to produce the oil. Also, ensure that you are not buying fish oil that is made from the liver of fish. Such oil is not as healthy as fish oil extracted from the flesh of fish. Some of the best fish for fish oil are salmon, trout and mackerel. The best is, however, Hoki fish from New Zealand. Not only these fish contain plenty of DHA and EPA, but they are also found in clean waters, a zone unspoilt by sea water contaminants.

2. Check the refinement process: Heavy industrialization has polluted ocean waters and also, the fish taken from them. The pollutants are heavy metals like mercury, which is very dangerous to the body. Taken continuously, such fish oil supplements can result in heavy metal poisoning. You need to check the production process of your fish oil in order to ensure that the brand  that you buy makes the best oil in the market. Apart from industrial pollution, fish can contain natural pollutants too. A proper refining process like molecular distillation is a must to ensure all the contaminants have been removed from the oil. Everyone knows that fish lives in the sea and it is a well known fact that the sea is getting dirtier by the days.

3. Contents of fish supplements: In Omega 3 fats too, DHA is of much more important than EPA. Not only is it more beneficial, but also our body can convert DHA into EPA by a simple process. EPA to DHA conversion is not possible though. So we need to make sure there is adequate DHA in the oil we take.

4. Price of fish oil supplements:
Many of the fish oil supplements are over-priced. Many do not contain both DHA and EPA to justify the high prices they carry. You can make a comparative analysis by the measure of the total amount of DHA supplements in the fish oil. Calculate by price per gram of DHA.

Posted in Buying Fish Oil on Apr 14th, 2024, 3:24 pm by Jessica   

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