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Stop hair loss now: 5 ways to use fish oil for hair growth | Fish Oil Blog

Stop hair loss now: 5 ways to use fish oil for hair growth

Hair loss is a common problem with both men and women. Men fight it more than women as baldness is generally not liked as a welcome trait in men. So, nowadays, both men and women take more care regarding their hair. However, people have become health conscious to prevent hair loss. Many understand that hair loss is also an issue of health and hence take adequate care to avoid it.

The painful side of hair loss: Hair loss or Alopecia is a common problem faced by both men and women. Although loss of hair is related to aging, most of us would like to have a thick hair all our lives.  So when it comes to hair loss, everyone is seriously concerned on how to prevent it. Recent studies reveal that fish oil supplements are very good for hair loss. Many doctors believe and have proved that hair loss is caused by the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Heavy stress – physical, emotional & mental
  • Thyroid problems – hyper/hypo thyroid activity
  • Medicinal side effects caused due to intake of certain drugs
  • Pollutants – air, water and chemical pollution
  • Lack of nutrients in the body
  • Infection or stunted hair growth caused due to various health conditions

Fish oil and hair loss: Hair loss can be minimized if you supply your body with the adequate nutrients that are needed for hair growth. Since hair loss is just a repercussion of an imbalance in the body, it is important to attend to your body’s needs first. This is why hair specialists and experts approach hair loss in a rather holistic way. Below are a few ways to help cure hair loss:

1. Omega-3 fatty acids: The omega-3 in fish oil supplements provide good nutrients and proteins to the hair follicles, strengthening them and making your hair hale and healthy.

2. Balanced diet: Taking fish oil on a regular basis may help. But that doesn’t mean that only fish oil can stop hair loss. Hair needs a lot of nutrients for healthy growth. So, better if you support it with a balanced diet, regular exercise, chemical-free personal hair care products and conditioners. Using natural hair products will stimulate and support growth, enhancing the action of omega-3 fatty acids. Include your daily/weekly dosage of fish oil also.

3. Check for DHA content: As you know, DHA is the most important constituent of fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids.  It is essential for strengthening your hair follicles. The sources of fish oil may differ in DHA and EPA. So, check for fish oil that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, but low in vitamin A.

4.  Check your dosage: Fish oil works well with hair growth only if taken in the right doses. That is, fish oil when applied on hair, is absorbed by the scalp and then, into the blood stream. It strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the skin also. Right amount of Vitamin A offers a rich boost to the hormonal system and prevents hair loss.

5. Alleviates stress: Since fish oil alleviates stress to a great extent, it also resolves all related bodily changes/problems caused by stress. Thereby, it reduces stress that causes hair loss also.

Posted in For Overall Health, Uses of Fish Oil on May 6th, 2024, 7:23 am by Jessica   

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