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For your little darlings: Ways in which fish oil can benefit babies | Fish Oil Blog

For your little darlings: Ways in which fish oil can benefit babies

Fish oil is not just an antidote to diseases, it is also an energizing tonic to pregnant mothers. Fish oil supplements can maintain good health of the baby in the womb even before birth. Fish oil supplements play a vital role in shaping a baby’s growth and brain development. The omega 3s in fish oil can regulate many of the body’s metabolic processes and help in the proper functioning of the body.

Why fish oil is nutrition: Fish oil supplements are nutritious food because they contain omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for the health, eyes and brains of babies. They provide proteins in the form of vitamin D. Omega 3 from fish oil is essential for brain development of the child as the child’s brain generally consists of about 70% fatty acid DHA. This DHA is present in breast milk and baby food also.  Omega 3 fatty acids enhance the connection between the different neurons in the brain. As such, children are able to develop their psychomotor skills more quickly. They are also less likely to develop learning and behavioral problems in the future.

Benefits of  fish oil:

  • Promotes development of a baby’s respiratory and cardiac systems
  • Increases learning ability of your child
  • Offers essential nutrients for neurological development
  • Supports development of  brain and eyes  of the baby
  • Helps increase the attention span of your child, a good indicator of intelligence
  • Reduces risk of preterm delivery

How is fish oil good for babies: Fish oil supplements help promote orderly development of the fetus, the development of pro-brain which indicates the birth of intelligent children.

The DHA content of the brain usually triples at the first 3 months of a baby’s life. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for brain development and enhancement of retina in the eye. Several studies suggest that a child has better problem-solving skills when fed with DHA supplemented formula compared to children who do not take DHA in their infant foods.

DHA is found more in fish like salmon, herring, mackerel and whitefish. The consumption of fish oil supplements may be contaminated with mercury, which can be harmful to a developing nervous system. If you are in any kind of pre-existing illnesses or are taking prescription medications, it is important to discuss with your doctor before adding fish oil to your diet. This helps to avoid drug interactions or any side effects.

Posted in For Children, Uses of Fish Oil on Mar 21st, 2024, 6:26 am by Jessica   

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