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Shred that bit of extra fat: Using fish oil for weight loss | Fish Oil Blog

Shred that bit of extra fat: Using fish oil for weight loss

Obesity is becoming a growing concern in the modern society. People, especially children, are becoming more and more obese these days, thanks to the change in lifestyles, medications and lack of healthy food habits. It is said that obesity has become an epidemic in today’s world and people are hunting for that one miracle cure that will shred all their extra pounds. Majority of the human population is given up to obesity that almost every family seems to be battling it during some part of their lives. And the miracle cure is yet to arrive!

People who have been obese know that change in food habits can make a change body weight. Many insist that weight loss is possible only if you alter your food habits, accompanied by a strict exercise regime. This is where fish oil comes into the picture. Many dietitians and food analysts believe that fish oil can cure your obesity to a certain extent or at least stop you from putting on weight further.

Fish Oil – An Insight:
Fish oil is actually oil derived from the tissues of fish like salmon, tuna and flounder. It contains essential fatty acids like omega-3 acids, omega-6 acids and other nutrients which are crucial for the proper functioning of the body systems. Fish oil is not oil extracted from fish liver and hence has nothing to do with fish liver oils like cod liver oil. Only oil extracted from tissues of oil-rich fish can be considered fish oil. The difference from saturated fats and fatty acids is, the latter is more natural and hence, healthier to the body. Genetically modified fats are harmful to the body and hence can lead to problems like obesity. If there is an imbalance in the levels of fatty acids, the body rhythm can be upset, resulting in heart ailments, high cholesterol levels and several such problems. On the other hand, fish oil comes with natural fatty acids that can set right the balance and help with the regular functioning of the body.

Why fish oil for weight loss?
What does fish oil have to do with weight loss? You might wonder. Apart from reducing cardiovascular ailments, preventing kidney problems, alleviating skin allergies, and regulating cholesterol levels, fish oil has one most important ability – it increases fat-burning ability in the body. Omega-3 acids contained in fish oil improve blood flow to muscles and thereby, reduce the fat burning ability of the body. Omega-3 acids act on enzymes that have the ability to oxidize or burn fat and thereby, reduce weight at a higher, quicker rate. Also, fish oil brings in balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the body. This can mean that the body will burn than store more fat, resulting in weight loss.

How to use fish oil for weight loss? In order to lose weight, you need to use fish oil on a regular basis, almost daily. Consult with your physician on the dosage and then, start taking it regularly. If you are not for eating fish, you can always opt for fish oil supplements and improve your omega-3 acids content that way. Whichever method you adopt, a regular intake of fish oil accompanied with an exercise regime, can help you fight obesity and lose weight.

Posted in For Overall Health, Uses of Fish Oil on Apr 1st, 2024, 2:27 am by Jessica   

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