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Kidney talk: Why fish oil can cure kidney disease | Fish Oil Blog

Kidney talk: Why fish oil can cure kidney disease

Kidneys. We all know how kidneys are important to us. Present in the posterior part of the abdomen, kidneys do various functions of which the most important are to eliminate wastes from the body. Primary function of kidneys include the following:

  • Clean your blood of waste products
  • Get rid of extra fluid  via your urine
  • Create red blood cells

But not everything in the body goes as planned and there are several obstructions in the kidney’s elimination process. The most common of obstructions is kidney disease. Kidney disease leads to inflammation and pain of kidneys, which in  turn results in kidney stones and serious, even fatal effects.

Common causes of pain in the kidneys: The common cause of kidney pain is mainly due to the presence of kidney stones, which normally appear in the left ureter, the thin tube that connects the bladder through the kidneys. When there are kidney stones, the urinary excretion is  blocked, resulting in kidney swelling, enlargement and pain.

Symptoms of kidney disease: Kidney disease is known as a silent disease as there are often few symptoms.
Frequent urination, but urine excreted is very low compared to normal excretion

  • Blood in the urine or haematuria
  • More foaming in urine
  • Oedema  or puffiness around the eyes and ankles
  • Pain in the back under lower ribs near kidney
  • Irritation and burning while passing of urine

Kidney failures begin to show up when there is excess accumulation of waste and fluid in the blood and other problems. Failure of kidneys can lead to

  • Lack of concentration
  • Weakened immune system
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shortness of breath

Risk factors for kidney disease includes diabetes, hypertension, obesity, smoking and aging. Early diagnosis and treatment can increase the lifetime of kidneys. High blood pressure can also lead to failure of kidneys. The pain caused by kidney stones are known as colic which means ‘waves’ rather than a constant and continuous pain. Patients with kidney stones are often difficult to keep away the pain and this can cause severe nausea and vomiting. The pain is from the right to left and can be felt from the abdomen in the front and to even the groin. To safe guard  kidneys, you need to indulge in regular exercise, a balanced diet and consumption of plenty of water.

Fish oil for kidneys: Fish oil  supplements can treat  various  types of pain in the kidneys. These supplements have anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce pain and also regulate the function of kidneys. Fish oil supplements help relieve kidney pain also.

Fish oil supplements have shown positive effects on several diseases related to kidneys and this is no exception. Studies have shown that fish oil reduces inflammation, which is a common complication for people suffering from kidney disease. People with kidney disease on dialysis often suffer from several complications, which is a direct consequence of chronic infection. Fish oil supplements are rich in EPAs. Since kidneys need more fats than other organs, essential fatty acids are the ideal food for kidneys.  However, it is better to take a doctor’s advise before you take fish oil supplements.

Posted in For Diseases, Uses of Fish Oil on Mar 20th, 2024, 4:23 am by Jessica   

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