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How to reduce triglycerides with fish oil? An insight | Fish Oil Blog

How to reduce triglycerides with fish oil? An insight

Triglycerides are stored fats in our body. We can get triglycerides through the consumption of fats as they are a chemical formation found in both vegetables and animal fats. However, we can also accumulate triglycerides from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed by our cells  for energy as much as the body needs glucose and glycogen. When there is excessive imbalance in the levels of glycogen/glucose stored in the body, they deposit as fat or triglycerides. In other words, triglycerides is a scientific term for stored fat that can be harmful to our body.

What can triglycerides do? Triglycerides are fats that can cause serious heart problems. According to recent studies, it has been revealed that high amount of triglycerides can result in increased risk of heart attacks and cardiac deaths. However, the triglycerides in fish oil are different – they are less in fat content and protect us from heart problems.

Benefits of fish oil for triglycerides: Triglycerides in fish oil  consist of omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown that these essential fatty acids can lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and minimize the growth rate of atherosclerosis plaque.  Some other benefits are:

Reduces LDL and increases HDL: Fish oil supplements help by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels in our blood. Another beneficial effect of fish oil is that it protects and prevents blood platelets from clotting which can block arteries and can even cause heart attacks. By taking fish oil for triglycerides, you can reduce bad cholesterol levels and protect the heart without any problems.

Increases EPA and DHA: As we know, research has revealed that EPA is the best source of omega 3 fish oil supplements. DHA also has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and hence, supplying our body with DHA will help with proper functionalities. Fish oil offers both EPA and DHA.

We know now what is the relationship between fish oil and triglycerides. We know how fish oil lowers levels of triglycerides in the blood, but there is something else we need to know. The level of triglycerides that we acquire eating large quantities of fatty foods. To reduce levels of triglycerides, you should first stop indulging in fatty foods and then include fish oil in your diet. This would of extra help. We should not be totally dependent on fish oil also.

So, Fish oil +  Healthy diet + Regular work out = Prevention from triglycerides.

Before you use, beware that fish oil can be contaminated by  Mercury, PCBs, DDT and other pesticides. So check if the oil has been molecularly distilled. This process involves separating the oil from the contaminants in a vacuum. The result is highly pure and concentrated fish oil that you can take safely without any risk. And before you add these fish oil supplements in your regular diet seek advice from your doctor if necessary.

Posted in For Diseases, For Overall Health, Uses of Fish Oil on Feb 28th, 2024, 2:28 pm by Jessica   

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