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Firewall your body: Fish oil for your immune system | Fish Oil Blog

Firewall your body: Fish oil for your immune system

Immune system is a crucial system which protects the body from invasion by foreign bodies and safeguards your organs and cells from ill health. The immune system is an ever-alert system that works on how to prevent diseases, tumors and other chronic conditions. When there is a drop in the power of this system, the body responds with a health issue or a disorder that needs to be attended to immediately.

Immunodeficiency diseases:
The immune system of the body consists of several elements of which the most important are skin,  cells and tissues. Diseases in the body can be of two kinds – immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases. Both occur on account of weakened or malfunctioning immune system which treats body cells as pathogens and attacks them. With immunodeficiency diseases, the body’s immune system causes inflammation and problems on the skin. It is the immune system which causes inflammation in the body due it is mis-interpretation of a condition. Autoimmune diseases are much the same. With autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks healthy cells in the same way as it attacks invading pathogens or foreign bodies.

Fish oil for immune system: The immune system works against several diseases and infections. When you have a weak immune system you are at the risk of getting various infections and diseases easily. Also, it will take more time and effort to heal and build a strong immune system. “Prevention is better than cure” so it is necessary to take care of your immune system and stay healthy and away from diseases. If you analyze it, you can find out that your immune system is a synchronized network of cells which work together to defend and protect you against different diseases and infections.

How to develop healthy immune system? Fish oil is a conglomeration of a variety of nutritional supplements which can promote the healthy functioning of the immune system. It fights immune deficiency diseases and infections. Some diseases may be life threatening and require healthy lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions etc. For such diseases, you may have to strengthen your immune system as medications won’t just do. The best way to develop immunity is to take up fish oil supplements on a regular basis.

Fish oil, as you know, is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are long carbon-chained polyunsaturated acids with several double bonds. Important and essential nutrients, they contain DHA, EPA and ALA that reduce inflammation, pain and all other associated symptoms. Several researchers believe that modern diet should be rich in polyunsaturated fats and omega-6 and high in antioxidants to treat allergies like eczema, asthma and hay fever.

Fish oil supplements or capsules are a convenient and secure way to get the benefits of omega 3. A minimum of six to twelve weeks are essential for health improvements to appear after dietary changes. In addition to fish oil, anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken as they can treat morning stiffness, pain and swelling in rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. All fish oil supplements should be molecularly distilled. You can use fish oil supplement with enteric coating as it is of the highest quality. Through this, you can avoid having fishy burps. Check for the quality of your manufacturer, the fish used for manufacturing and the contaminants that are likely to be in the product before you choose your omega 3 fish oil brand for enhancing your immune system.

Posted in For Overall Health, Uses of Fish Oil on Mar 16th, 2024, 9:35 am by Jessica   

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